Brasised Beef Short Ribs in Tomato Sauc E

Short ribs in a tangy tomato sauce. Serve it over pasta and know what happiness really is.


I've said it before and I'll say it again: Short ribs are my life. They really, really are. I just can't think of another cut of meat that does quite what short ribs do to me. That soft, tender, moist meat that practically falls off the bone…there's absolutely nothing like it.

I have a simple braised short rib recipe on PW Cooks, and I'd eat it (served over goat cheese polenta) every day of the week if I could. But yesterday I decided to change things up and braise the short ribs in a tangy (and slightly spicy) tomato sauce. It was the only right thing to do.

Important note: it's really best to make this the day before you want to serve it (or earlier in the day) so that you can refrigerate it for several hours after cooking. This will allow you to remove the fat from the dish more easily. Then you just warm it back up and chow down. Piece of cake!

(Another note: for the purposes of this pictorial recipe, I did not refrigerate the dish overnight [I also didn't cook it for the entire four hours; I was chasing daylight!] Don't be like me.)

I have no more notes. So let's make this, baby!

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Short ribs. Yum.

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Sprinkle them with salt and pepper.

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Then heat some canola oil in a large pot…

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And set the ribs in the pot to brown them.

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Get them as brown as you can in the least amount of time possible, about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes per side. You'll want the burner to be on high.

You'll also want not to lean down too close with your camera, unless you like the sensation of popping grease landing on your freckled forehead.


I'm going to call it a beauty mark.

Well, a beauty blister.

Never mind.

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Remove the browned ribs from the pot…

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Then (very carefully) pour off the excess oil into a heatproof container.

Seriously. Careful!

Hot grease is…well, hot.

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Throw in some chopped onions and garlic. Stir it around and cook it for a minute.

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Then crack open a big can of whole or diced tomatoes. Pour it over the onions and garlic.

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Then crack open a can of tomato sauce and pour it in, too.

Really, you can use any form of tomatoes here: crushed, diced, stewed, whole, sauce, etc.

Also (not shown because I'm a dork): pour in a little wine.

It'll make things extra nice.


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Next, add salt, pepper, sugar, ground thyme, and red pepper flakes for spice. Stir it all together…

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Then add the browned short ribs back into the pan.

Now, cover the pot and put it into a 275-degree oven for about four hours. This'll ensure that the short ribs are soft and tender and falling off the bone, and that the tomato sauce is deep and rich and flavorful and miraculous.

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Now, when you pull it out of the oven, you'll notice that there's a healthy (well, not healthy at all) layer of grease at the very top.

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You could spend a million years doing this…but why?

So what you need to do is cool the pot a bit, then place it into the fridge for several hours or overnight. When it's totally cold, the fat/grease will have risen to the top and hardened, which makes it a complete cinch to remove. Then you just set it on the stove or in the oven and warm it up.

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While you're warming it up, cook some pasta.

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Place the cooked pasta onto a large platter, then spoon the sauce over the top. (Remember, mine didn't cook the full four hours. Yours'll be much richer in color.)

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Place the short ribs over the tomato sauce…

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Then smile. Inhale. Smile again.

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Serve up individual portions, and sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top.

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Then top it off with some fresh minced parsley.

Yes, this is the curly stuff.

It's all I have till my garden grows, man.

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Mmmm. Good. Very good.

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Make this very soon!

(Just remember to make it the night before you'll need it.)


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